The first operational tool collecting member countries’ experiences and issues on direct funding to local civil society is online

In relation to the work that the OECD DAC has been carrying out since 2017 on strengthening local civil society, and following up on the drafting of the Development Assistance Committee’s Recommendation on Enabling Civil Society in Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Assistance of 2021, (, the first toolkit collecting experiences and issues of member countries on direct funding to local civil society has been finalised.

This publication ‘Funding civil society in partner countries – Toolkit for implementing the DAC Recommendation on Enabling Civil Society in Development Co-operation and Humanitarian Assistance’ encompasses principles, objectives and modalities to make direct support from partner countries more concrete and, in general, recognise the capacity of local civil society to manage allocated resources.

The presentation of the Toolkit and the link to the document is online on the homepage of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (

You can find the Toolkit at the following link.

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