News archive


AICS’ commitment to protecting the environment and developing sustainable tourism in Kosovo.

A meeting was held in Pristina between the Deputy Owner of AICS Tirana, Letizia Fischioni, the experts in the Environment sector, the Italian Deputy Ambassador Ugo Ferrero and the Minister of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade, Rozeta Hajdari.
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Tourism develops from environmental sustainability.

Read the news and watch the video on Repubblica web.
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“Il Mare dei Mestieri” Workshop

On 15 January 2024, the workshop "Il Mare dei Mestieri" took place at Palazzo Mocenigo, in Venice (Italy), hosted by...
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07/11/2023 / news ENG

Support for gender equality. Call for proposals.

The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation - Tirana has published the Notice for the awarding of the Initiative "Support for...
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19/09/2023 / news ENG

NEW HORIZONS. The new Agricultural School of Fier Rakip Kryeziu inaugurated.

On September 13th, the school "Rakip Kryeziu" in Fier was inaugurated, giving a fresh beginning of the school year for the 180 students currently registered. This is the highlight of the Programme ‘Vocational Education and Training through Innovation’ (AID 11000), funded by the Italian Government, and implemented by its counterpart the Albanian Ministry of Economy and Finance.
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09/08/2023 / news ENG


With the SAFIAL (Institutional strengthening of the Albanian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for the management of food safety) project, financed by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation in Albania for a value of 2 million and 400 thousand euros, the Italian Government supports the development of the phytosanitary control capabilities of the Albanian State. Food safety, in its aspects that most concern people's health is a priority element of Italy's cooperation commitment. On the one hand, it contributes to enhancing the quality of trade to and from Albania, on the other, it offers Italian citizens visiting Albania and Albanian citizens preparing to enter Europe greater guarantees on agri-food production and their health.
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21/06/2023 / news ENG


The training of the Albanian National Civil Protection Agency operators has started. A protected Albania is a European Albania. Italy is present and will continue to be present.
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08/06/2023 / news ENG


Tirana, 6 June 2023 - The final event of the project "NaturAlbania: capitalization and valorization actions in the context territory and environment", worth € 1.2M financed as a grant from the Government Italian for the protection of Albanian natural capital, was held at the Consulate General of Italy in Vlora. The Consul General of Italy in Valona Iva Palmieri and the Director of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation in the Western Balkans (AICS), Stefania Vizzaccaro, were present. For the Albanian Government, the Deputy Minister of Tourism and the Environment, Vilma Bello, and the Director of the National Agency for Protected Areas, Daniel Pirushi, were present, as well as the directors of the Regional Administrations of the Protected Areas of the territories involved in the intervention.
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The first operational tool collecting member countries’ experiences and issues on direct funding to local civil society is online

In relation to the work that the OECD DAC has been carrying out since 2017 on strengthening local civil society, and following up on the drafting of the Development Assistance Committee's Recommendation on Enabling Civil Society in Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Assistance of 2021, (, the first toolkit collecting experiences and issues of member countries on direct funding to local civil society has been finalised.
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