As You Are

Find out the eighth narrative and photographic reportage of our advertising campaign Planets. Italy for female entrepreneurship and sustainable tourism in the South of Albania. Manjola, E-dua Shop, Gijrokaster.

Nature’s Will

Find out the ninth narrative and photographic reportage of our advertising campaign Planets. Italy for female entrepreneurship and sustainable tourism in the North of Albania. Florinda, Guesthouse Peraj, Vermosh.

Woman’s Word

Find out the tenth narrative and photographic reportage of our advertising campaign Planets. Italy for female entrepreneurship and sustainable tourism in the South of Albania. Flora, Apiary and Guesthouse Sali, Gostivisht.

Water words

Find out the eleventh narrative and photographic reportage of our advertising campaign Planets. Italy for female entrepreneurship and sustainable tourism in the North of Albania. Klodiana, Restaurant Te Naili, Zogaj.

Time Together

Find out the twelfth narrative and photographic reportage of our advertising campaign Planets. Italy for the sustainable development of the agrifood sector in the South of Albania. Shkelqim, Bejko Winery, Piskove.

From Me To You

Find out the thirteenth narrative and photographic reportage of our advertising campaign Planets. Italy for the sustainable development of the tourism in the South of Albania. Arber, Hotel Kalemi, Gjirokaster.

Planets. 20 stories for 2020.

Online the new advertising campaign of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation in Tirana. A photographic and narrative journey through some of the success stories of the cooperation initiatives funded by the Italian Government in Albania.

Planets. 20 stories for 2020, the new communication campaign of the Italian Cooperation in the Western Balkans, is online. It tells 20 of the best success cases of the cooperation initiatives funded by the Italian Government in Albania.

Protagonists have been selected among the beneficiaries of the Made With Italy ethical brand, registered by the Tirana’s Office of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation. The brand, presented as best practice of the Italian Cooperation at the last ExCo held at Fiera di Roma, promotes and enhances the work of people, associations, companies, local institutions who have actively participated in projects supported by Italy.

The campaign is the first episode of a communication format that will also be replicated in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a priority country together with Albania for the Italian Cooperation. Watch it on the new web platform, which will give visibility to the beneficiaries of the ethical brand Made With Italy and will collect the main communication campaigns produced by the Italian Cooperation in the Western Balkans.

Planets. 20 stories for 2020 is a campaign signed by Ernesto Spinelli, copywriter and communication manager for the Italian Cooperation in the Western Balkans, and by Lorenzo Pesce, photographer. The production company, based in Tirana, is Anima Pictures. Albanian translation, Luljeta Shtino. The 20 narrative and photographic reportages will be planned throughout 2020, especially on web, press and billboards. They will be collected in a book and a exhibition during an event of the Italian Cooperation System, to be held in Tirana in spring.

For more informations, please, contact

No Walls

Find out the sixteenth narrative and photographic reportage of our advertising campaign Planets. Italy for the development of youth entrepreneurship and sustainable tourism in the South of Albania. Vjosa Explorer, Outdoor Sports, Permet.