Vet through Innovation | Contract notice “Support to Vocational Education and Training through Innovation in Albania”

I.F.O.A as leader and special representative of a Temporary Association of Companies named PEMA (Project of EMilia-Romagna for Albania) consisting of A.E.C.A. and Ser.In.Ar. is partner of a consortium led by Emilia Romagna Regional Authority in collaboration with ART-ER Soc. Cons. P.A., in the implementation of the programme Institutional Technical Assistance to the Programme “Support to Vocational Education and Training through Innovation”.

The project “Vet through Innovation”, based on evidence collected through several mapping exercises and confrontation and dialogues with the MEF and NAVETQ, with a report dated January 2022 has finalized a proposal for the following activities:

  • the revision of AQF Level 2 frame curricula in Agriculture,
  • a series of short courses for continuous training and capacity building actions in terms of training of the trainers’ activities.

In the framework of activities 2.1 of “Vet Throug innovation”, the project Consortium, in close collaboration with Emilia-Romagna Regional Authority, is invited to set up a working group of international and local (Albanian) experts to validate the outputs of the revision of frame curriculum AQF Level 2, set up short courses and develop capacity building measures.


  1. INTERNATIONAL SENIOR EXPERT for design, consultancy and validation of occupational and qualification standards for Vocational Education and Training in agriculture
  2. LOCAL EXPERTS for design, consultancy and validation of occupational and qualification standards for Vocational Education and Training in agriculture

Deadline for applications: 28 February 2022

Learn more on this project on

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